Perfect for the season and the weather, this ice cream does not need to be made in an ice cream machine.
Serves 6
450g. / 1lb. strawberries
250g. / 8ozs. caster sugar
584mls. / 1 pt. Double or Whipping Cream
4 tablespoons of Crème de Cassis
- Liquidise the strawberries, caster sugar and crème de cassis in a liquidiser or food processor. Sieve if desired.
- Whip the cream fairly stiffly and fold in the strawberry puree. Freeze until solid. As this is made with cream and has a high fat content it will not produce ice crystals and does not need to be made in an ice cream machine.
- The mixture would benefit from being softened in the fridge for half an hour before serving. Shortbread or brandysnap biscuits would be nice with this.