Thanks to all who made this year’s Ledbury Celebration a success

LFG Led Celeb 2016 Matt Slocombe pours a cider DSC01470We hope that those of you who joined us at the Ledbury Celebration, Ledbury’s very own festival of food and drink with added music and poetry, had a good time and enjoyed the event – thank you for coming.

Please let us know if there are any ways we could do better next year by emailing

Pictures of the event are shown below.

Thanks also to the many people who made this wonderful free event possible including our co-hosts Ledbury Poetry Festival, Ledbury Town Council, The Nest/Handmade Scotch Egg Co, Ledbury Rotary Club, Orme and Slade, Solicitors, Wilce’s Cider, A.B.E. Ledbury Ltd, Authentic Bread Company, Herefordshire Community Foundation, New Grove Trust, Tilley Printing, and our own volunteers.

Finally special thanks to the poets and music makers for a fabulous programme of entertainment, the wonderful Clapperbox puppet theatre, and, of course, the stall-holders who put on such a splendid display – appreciated by those present to the point where a number of stalls sold out.