We have been forced to cancel this year’s Ledbury Celebration – Ledbury’s annual food festival featuring local food and drink, poetry, music and heritage – due to be held on Sunday 12 July 2020.
As a voluntary organisation with no financial reserves and dependent on the generosity of a number of sponsors, we have to do this before we start incurring expenditure and effort on an event which sadly now looks very unlikely to be allowed to happen in July.
We recognise the value this popular event provides to our local food and drink producers in presenting their special products to a wider community, and are very sorry that we cannot provide support via this event.
Our grateful thanks go to our many partners and sponsors who confirmed their support for the 2020 event. We hope to be back with a Ledbury Celebration in 2021!
Given the current difficult circumstances, we will continue to publicise the availability of locally produced and retailed produce in Ledbury and district in the Blog section of our website. Please let us know if you have information on this that others might appreciate. You can contact us at ask@ledburyfoodgroup.org.
Please also support our local Ledbury Food Bank who continue to do a sterling job with valued help from some local producers – details at www.ledburyfoodbank.org.
…and if you or someone you know is interested in helping as a worker with this year’s fruit harvest, some local opportunities are listed at www.britishsummerfruits.co.uk/jobs.
Keep safe!