We are required by the constitution to do as follows – “The Annual General Meeting shall be held every May, or within the following three months for the following purposes:
a) Election of i) Chairperson ii) Secretary iii) Treasurer iv) Member(s) of the Committee
b) Presentation of accounts
c) Appointment of auditor
The Secretary will notify all members of the date of the meeting not less than 14 days before the AGM”
In the current circumstances it is not possible to hold a physical meeting, and not likely to be so within the time required for the AGM. The committee have therefore agreed that we should hold a “virtual” event via the group’s website and email.
To meet the needs of this we have prepared.
- A report by the acting chairman of the group’s activities in the year to 31 March 2020. Click to access this.
- The annual accounts of the Group for the year to 31 March 2020. Click to access this. It is proposed that Helen Lawson-Smith should continue to be our appointed examiner and that the 2019/20 account will be reviewed by her when circumstances allow.
The following committee members have confirmed that they are willing to continue to serve for the year 2020/21
- Griff Holliday
- David McCauley
- Jackie Denman
- Nina Shields
- Caroline Handley
- Nick Morris
- John Davenport
The following officers have confirmed that they are willing to continue in these roles
- Griff Holliday – Secretary
- David McCauley – Treasurer
It is proposed that these persons listed above should continue in role for the next year.
Please note:
- The office of Chairman of the group is currently vacant
- There is opportunity for up to 3 more persons to become committee members – if you are interested please contact the group’s secretary.
If any registered members have any concerns about these proposals please contact us before 30th June. Otherwise these proposals will be deemed effective from that date.
We will be happy to receive any questions and comments from both registered members and supporters within this period or at any other time.
Contact us at ask@ledburyfoodgroup.org or phone 01531 633637
Griff Holliday
Secretary, Ledbury Food Group
8th June 2020