Local Food Updates – Thursday 3rd September plus Thanks

Please continue to support our local food producers and retailers, and “Shop Safe Shop Ledbury”.  

We have updated our Local Food Information Page on our websiteclick here to access the page

Ledbury Country Market – is re-opening fully at the Burgage Hall on Fridays from Friday 18th September initially between 10am and Noon. Entrance from Church Lane – one way system for social distancing.  Please wear face-masks.   A full range of local food products, Chinese delicacies and plants and flowers will be available.

Their order and collect service is continuing – you can register for this service (order by Tuesday evening – collect on Friday AM from the Burgage Hall, Church Lane) at www.ledburycountrymarket.co.uk or phone 01684 540595 – send order forms to orders@ledburycountrymarket.co.uk or phone orders to 01684 540595

Food Deliveriesdetails of those who continue to provide delivery services have been updated.

Local restaurants, pubs and cafésThanks for supporting those that are now open.   Trumpet Team Room reopened on 1st August now run by Annie Badham and the Market House in Ledbury is now open again.

Please wear a face mask in shops to protect all those who work hard to serve us – “Shop Safe Shop Ledbury”…

and thanks to all those who contributed to Janie Clarenne’s recent appeal via Justgiving to help her take her husband Pascal of Chez Pascal on a last visit to France – the target sum of £5,000 has now been exceeded.