Ledbury Celebration & Food & Farming Awards

We have some sad news and an opportunity for you to recognise a local food hero.

Ledbury Celebration

Our now traditional annual food festival in Ledbury on the last day of the Ledbury Poetry Festival in early July has become an extremely popular event featuring the very best of local food alongside fabulous live poetry and music, and a taste of heritage.

We were unable to run the Celebration last year due to the Covid emergency, and after looking at all the options we regret that we are again not able to run the event this year. 

There are still too many risks and uncertainties for a small group like the Ledbury Food Group to take on running such an event, which depends for its atmosphere and success on the free and safe circulation of its many visitors and producers.

Please continue to support our local food and drink producers and retailers – we will continue to gather information on what you can buy or order and from whom on our Local Food Information page.   Look out for our updates as and when restrictions are eased.


Hereford Times Food and Farming Awards 2021

Do you have a Local Food Hero?

Perhaps a local food supplier who has helped you through the past year? 

Perhaps a local food retailer whose produce and service is consistently special?

Or do you have a favourite local café or restaurant? Perhaps one who has gone the extra mile?

You can now nominate your favourite Food Retailer, Farm Shop, Restaurant Café or Tea Room or Producer for recognition in this year’s Hereford Times Food and Farming Awards.

To find out how to nominate your favourite visit: www.herefordtimes.com/awards/foodandfarming

Full details of how to enter are there and are also available in the Hereford Times newspaper with an entry form for posting.

Nominations close at midday on Thursday 8th April.