Notice of our delayed 2020/21 Annual General Meeting

Our delayed AGM for 2020/21 will be held on Monday 18th October at the Market House, High Street, Ledbury at 5.30pm.

You are very welcome to attend.

We will be electing our serving committee for the business year 2021/22.

The committee will be tasked with taking forward the activities of the group with due regard to continuing circumstances, guidance and restrictions.

After a successful year in 2019 with an excellent Ledbury Celebration event in July and very popular evening Farmers Food Market running in St Katherine’s and the Barn (see photo above), we had hoped to continue with similar activities supporting our local food economy through 2020.

Instead our major activity has been to provide a Food Information Page on our website. This provides a listing what local producers and retailers are doing in terms of local deliveries, call and collect, food takeaways, outdoor eating etc. to help people – and businesses – to get through the pandemic safely.

Thanks to all of you who have continued to support local producers, local retailers and local hospitality businesses through this time. It is encouraging to see how well these businesses have coped and survived, and that we are now welcoming new businesses on the local food scene.

Use this link to access the Agenda for this meeting.

Use this link to access the 20/21 Income and Expenditure Account.