Mapping LocaL Food Webs Report Launch

Are you interested in finding out the facts about how important  local food is to the economy and well being of Ledbury and the surrounding area? Join us for the launch of Ledbury’s ‘Mapping Local Food Webs’ report, part of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, to discover the importance of keeping it local and how to ensure the local economy thrives into the future.

Wednesday 21st September.
Burgage Ball, Ledbury. 7 – 9pm.

LFG launch poster

After Food miles, here comes Beer Miles

The Prince of Wales pub in Church Lane has a beer menu that as well as describing the beer – fancy a “light and fruity beer with good hoppy bitterness”? then an Otter Bitter is for you – also provides the distance from the brewery. So that fruity Otter has come 87 miles, whereas a drop of Butty Back only has to stagger 9.5 miles to  quench your thirst.

Well done to the Prince of Wales for thinking local.

Preserve-making workshop at Dragon Orchard, Putley

3rd September 2011 Once upon a Tree have a Preserve-making workshop at Dragon Orchard, Putley.

Annie will talk you through a preserving session using produce from the orchard – Jams, jellies and chutneys galore. The workshop runs from 10am-4pm, teas and coffees included – bring a packed lunch. For the cost of £40 per person you will become an expert preserver and take away the fruits of your labour.

Contact Hannah Day on 01531 670263 to book.



Date: Monday 15th August 2011, 7p.m.
Venue: Roots at Little Verzons, Hereford Road, Ledbury. HR8 2PZ
Tickets: £15 per head

The first-ever Herefordshire Food Champion, Rachel Hicks, founder of Just Rachel Quality Desserts, is making the most of this year’s early harvest and inviting people to join her at a pudding demonstration and supper event on Monday 15th August, at Roots at Little Verzons, Ledbury.
As one of the best-known dessert producers in the county, Rachel will demonstrate the creation of two delicious puddings with the season’s fruity produce – plums. This will be followed by a seasonal supper cooked by Meg Edmonds, owner of Roots at Little Verzons, using ingredients fresh from the family’s farm.

Places can be booked by calling into Roots at Little Verzons, Ledbury or telephoning 01531 670816.

More details here: Ledbury Food Group Pudding Demo & Supper Event August 2011

Ledbury on the Telly

Ledbury was featured on a program called Ten Mile Menu on  ITV 1.

The programme involved two chefs and  celebrities cooking a three course menu for a local group of people with ingredients sourced within a ten mile radius of the town.

Caroline Handley of Handley Organics was featured – as were a number of other local producers.

Some of the things we are planning to do – June 2011

To link people, businesses and organisations engaged in food events and food related strategies with the public.

To plan our own farm visits and seasonal activities and raise public awareness about food production

To educate and inspire by setting up tastings, cookery demonstrations and recipes using local seasonal produce.