Notice of our Annual General Meeting … and an Apology

We are holding our AGM on Monday 12th August at 6.00pm at the Market House, High Street. Ledbury (upstairs).

You will be most welcome to join us for this important event.  It’s an opportunity to find out who we are and meet the new committee for the year 2024/25.

We are always open to new ideas to support our aims of encouraging local food and drink production and retail.

Access the following papers for the meeting via the links:

  1. Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Ledbury Food Group
  2. Secretary’s Report for the year 2023/24
  3. Income and Expenditure Account for the year 2023/24

We are hoping to provide Zoom access to this meeting.

…and an Apology

We apologise that due to technical problems our website has not been available for the last few weeks.  The problems are now resolved.

Because of the problem, you may not have seen the blog on July’s successful Ledbury Celebration event – this is now available at Ledbury Celebration Beats The Weather.

 Ledbury Celebration 2024 beats the Weather!

Early morning rain disappeared in time for everyone to sample this year’s Ledbury Celebration last Sunday (7th July), Ledbury’s celebration of local food and drink with music, poetry and our historic heritage on the last day of the Ledbury Poetry Festival.  Only a short shower intervened.

Held in historic St Katherine’s, Ledbury, including the new St Katherine’s Square area, the event featured 17 local food and drink producers selling both street-food to enjoy on the spot and specialities to take home. 

The entertainment “menu” included poets Freddie Barker, Emma Clowsley and Johnny Fluffypunk.  The Poetry Busker spent the afternoon creating poems on demand on his 1930’s typewriter.

The music “courses” featured Four Crying Out Loud – Ledbury’s own fisherman’s quartet, The Hey Yahs Acoustic trio reviving old classics, Marie McMally enchanting with her sax, and The Banderos rocking the Blues as the start act of Ledbury Fringe week.

The Town Mayor of Ledbury, Councillor Stephen Chowns visited the event, meeting those taking part. 

For youngsters Kid’s Kitchen was on hand encouraging an interest in cooking and for Ledbury residents with good memories Ledbury Carnival mounted an exhibition of “50 years of Carnival” – a reminder for this year’s Carnival on Monday 26th August.

A raffle of prizes generously donated by local businesses raised over £60 for Ledbury Food Bank.

The day was brought to a colourful close by Ledbury Border Morris who demonstrated five traditional dances – in the sun!

This event was a partnership between Ledbury Food Group, Ledbury Poetry, and Ledbury Town Council.

Ledbury Food Group thanks everyone who made this year’s event a success – stallholders, volunteers, organising team, performers, funders and most importantly all those who came to the event.

We welcome feed-back and ideas for this event for the future – contact us at or phone 01531 633637

Celebration 2024 footer image

This event is organised by Ledbury Food Group, Ledbury Poetry and Ledbury Town Council with help from Ledbury Fringe.  It has received £1,500 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  We are also grateful for financial help from Ledbury Town Council and the Herefordshire Community Foundation.

Four Crying Out Loud start the fun
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Ledbury Celebration – 7th July – full programme now available

The Ledbury Celebration on Sunday 7th July celebrates the local food and drink of Herefordshire and its neighbouring counties with an added menu of music, poetry and our historic heritage.

This year’s event again brings an outdoor market and street food to historic St Katherine’s, Ledbury next to the 15th century Master’s House, just off the High Street. The event runs from 11am to 4pm with entertainment from midday.

Local produce will be on sale either to eat and drink “on the go” or to take home to savour in slower time.

Producers and street-food specialists this year include:

  • Aseem & Asia’s Afghan Food – exotic bakery
  • Ali’s BBQ – charcoal grilled burgers
  • Berry’s Luxury Ice Cream – says it all
  • Continuum Conceits – desirable chocolate
  • Dizzy Dudes – Cocktails and Mocktails
  • Gregg’s Pit – prize-winning cider and perry
  • Kitchen Flowers – versatile food products from flowers
  • Ledbury Country Market – apple juice, honey, bakery
  • Little Marcle Organic Produce – fresh organic veg boxes
  • Molton Bene Pizza – fresh pizza
  • Monkland Cheese – cheese from Herefordshire
  • New Market House Café – Laszlo’s Goulash
  • Orchard Grove Preserves – local jams and chutneys
  • Seb’s Cider – traditional Herefordshire Cider
  • Whinny’s – coffee, teas, frappés and more
  • Wilce’s Ledbury Cider – our most local cider
  • Wykeham Gardens – plants for your garden

And we hope more!

In addition you will find:

  • Kid’s Kitchen introducing children to cooking
  • Sustainable Ledbury – find out about living more sustainably
  • Our own stand – ask us about local food
  • Herefordshire Food Alliance – find out about the national Food Conversation and getting informed about food issues
  • 50 years of Ledbury Carnival exhibition – transport to the 1970s

Buy some food, find a seat and enjoy a special afternoon of entertainment

 Ledbury Poetry has lined up special “al fresco” poetic performances during the event featuring:

  • At 12.45pm – Freddie Barker – Worcestershire Poet Laureate 2024-5 and a multimedia powerhouse creative.
  • At 1.45pm – Emma Clowsley – “unflinchingly honest, laugh out loud funny, and at times profoundly relatable.”
  • At 2.45pm – Jonny Fluffypunk – Stand-up poet, lo-fi theatre maker and self-made underachiever


  • Through the afternoon – Kornel Kossuth aka The Poetry Busker. Kornel writes poems on the spot on his 1935 Remington Portable for passers-by based on the topics and ideas given him. Your opportunity to influence a poem!

And a feast of musical entertainment…

  • At 12pm – Four Crying Out Loud – Since being formed in a desert of public anticipation, they have become Ledbury’s favourite Boy Band
  • At 1pm – The Hey Yahs will perform a mix of contemporary and classic covers to suit all tastes for you to sing and dance along with or just sit back and enjoy.
  • At 2pm – Marie McNally – a professional multi-instrumentalist with a great passion for music, especially the saxophone – will entertain with a mix of lively sax hits and her infectious energetic performance.
  • At 3pm – The Banderos – a dynamic and authentic blues band delivering the true essence & soul of the genre

And to end a special day…

  • At 3.40pm – Ledbury Border Morris will close the event with their unique blend of border counties traditional dances

And you can visit Ledbury’s heritage sites – the Church, The Heritage Centre and the Town itself, or book in for a session of poetry at Ledbury Poetry Festival on the last day of the festival. – Programme at

Can you help us at this event?

We always need help to prepare the site for the event and to take things down when it ends. We also need help with stewarding during the event.  If you can help please ring Griff at 01531 633637 or email  You will be valued!

This event is organised by Ledbury Food Group, Ledbury Poetry and Ledbury Town Council.

With financial help from Ledbury Town Council and:

Celebration funders



What’s going on with Food?

We invite you to join the national Food Conversation at the Burgage Hall, Ledbury on Monday 10th June from 7pm.

We are running with Herefordshire Food Alliance an evening of discussion to explore what you expect from government and business when it comes to food – and how the food system can deliver more for health, nature and climate.

A lot of people claim to know what ‘people’ think.

They say “people don’t want a nanny state” or “people choose to eat junk food” and don’t want to be told what to eat. 

But has anybody ever asked you what you REALLY want from food.

Food production is subject to increasing challenges – flooding, crop failure, production costs, climate change – and issues about quality, distribution, price to consumers, nutritional value etc.

Join us with people whose role is to bring food to your table to explore issues and see how we can progress.

Place: Burgage Hall, Church Lane, Ledbury HR8 1DW

Time: Tasty local food from 7pm – Discussion/conversation from 7.30pm

Parking: Public car parks are free after 6pm – St Katherine’s and Bye Street are the nearest.

Free event – donations to Ledbury Food Bank appreciated.

The Food Conversation is run by the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission – more information can be found at

This event takes place as part of The Ledbury Great Big Green Week.

What's going on with food?

The Big Apple invites you to Blossomtime 2024

A Springtime Celebration of orchards, apples and cider in the Herefordshire parishes of Putley and Aylton

Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May, 11am to 5pm

It’s your special springtime opportunity to enjoy the lovely countryside nestling below the Marcle Ridge in Herefordshire, where local orchards are famous both for their cider fruit and their dessert and culinary fruit. 

The event takes place at three venues over two days, 11am to 5pm, in and around Putley and Aylton.

Big Apple Blossomtime

 One event – three venues to enjoy!

This year, The Big Apple has spread its wings to co-ordinate activities across three familiar venues, Putley Parish Hall, Court Farm Barn in Aylton and Putley’s Dragon Orchard.

Head first for Putley Parish Hall.  This will be the Information Hub, where visitors can park, buy their entrance tickets (£5 for adults, children under 16 free, valid for all three venues), pick up leaflets and start walks, both guided and ‘freestyle’, around the orchards.

The Parish Hall will also be the centre for refreshments, and the famous Blossomtime lunches and teas.  Lunches on Sunday will be provided by Aylton PCC from 11am – 2pm; Munsley WI will provide teas from 2-5pm.  On Monday, lunches will be provided by Ledbury Young Farmers Club and teas from 2pm by Putley WI.

On the Sunday Evening Putley Parish Hall will host an evening of songs and entertainment from 7pm – ‘Bloomin Blossomtime’.  Tickets on the door.

Court Farm Barn, Aylton will be the centre for arts, crafts, demonstrations, workshops and talks. Over the course of the two days, Hannah and Cheryl from Laughing Betsy will co-ordinate an installation, a collaboration between visitors, craftspeople and artists to reflect themes of regeneration, re-use, natural materials and nature.

Dragon Orchard will host the cider and perry tastings, cider/perry makers’ stalls and music and entertainment at The Big Hug.  Or visitors can just wander amongst the fruit trees in the orchard, soaking up the sounds and scents of nature. “I think I’ve died and gone to Heaven” said one visitor last year!

Visitors will be encouraged to walk between the three venues – they are all within easy reach of each other – but for those who may need some assistance or just for the sheer fun of it, a tractor and passenger trailer will be available, as has happened at Harvestime for several years now.

Full programme details are available at

Ledbury Celebration 2024 – A Date for your Diary 

Ledbury Food Group with its partners Ledbury Poetry Festival and Ledbury Town Council invite you to join us at this year’s Ledbury Celebration on Sunday 7th July.


This year’s event will again be held in the historic setting of St Katherine’s, Ledbury by our very special 15th century Master’s House and including Ledbury’s new Town Square area.  The event will include (subject to confirmation):

  • An outdoor food and drink market featuring the best of local produce and street food from the Three Counties for you to enjoy at the event or take home. We hope for as good a show as last time when nearly 20 local vendors took part.
  • “Al fresco” poetic entertainment provided by Ledbury Poetry as part of their festival
  • Outdoor musical entertainment featuring local musicians
  • Other stalls and attractions

It’s the last day of Ledbury Poetry Festival so there’s lots going on.

The event will run from 11am to 4pm with entertainment from 12 noon.

As in previous years the Ledbury Celebration will be a free public event thanks to grant funding by benefactors, including Ledbury Town Council.

If you are a locally based food producer or local street-food vendor using local produce and are interested in a stall at the event please contact us at


Please contact us if you would like to help us setting up, stewarding or setting down after the event – Griff at 01531 633637.   Your help makes these events smooth-running and successful – even an hour or two helps.

More information about the food market, other attendees, performers and the performance schedule will be available on our website nearer the event.








Ledbury celebrates The Big Breakfast

Over the weekend of 2nd to 4th February lots of ardent breakfasters were out and about to enjoy what was on offer this year at The Ledbury Big Breakfast.

A great way to start The big Breakfast with friends.

We were grateful for the unseasonably mild weather which encouraged breakfasters to eat “al fresco” at several venues.

Jon Gurney with Robert Robinson, the High-Sheriff.

Both Gurneys and Wallers Butchers created special breakfast products, and on the Friday, the Country Market served cooked breakfasts at the Burgage Hall.  The Big Breakfast also featured at Hellens Produce Market on the Saturday.

Dave Waller Robert Robinson, the High-Sheriff.

Food venues in Ledbury reported good demand including “first-timers” Fresh Blooms Sandwiches and The Ledberry.  At the Trumpet Tearoom, Annie lit the 50 year old Aga to provide extra cooking capacity.

Traditional Breakfast at Trumpet Tearoom

The Organic Café’s Middle Eastern style breakfast was popular and raised £550 for MSF Doctors without Borders to help with their valuable work – the Zaatar and oil flatbread looked appealing.

 Robert Robinson, the High-Sheriff and Guests celebrate the start of the Big Breakfast.

The High Sheriff of Herefordshire, Robert Robinson joined the Town Mayor of Ledbury Councillor Helen I’Anson, County Councillors Stef Simmons and Justine Peberdy, The Town Clerk and members of Ledbury Food Group for breakfast to launch the event.  Mr Robinson and the Mayor then visited a number of venues taking part.

Big Breakfast service ends at The Scrumpy House

Mr Robinson was impressed by what he saw – “REALLY good food here, lots of proper Herefordshire fare, in the lovely historic market town of Ledbury” he wrote on his very complementary Facebook post.

Granola served by Izzy at the Nest.

We thank all who made this year’s Ledbury Big Breakfast another great success – showing off the quality and variety of Ledbury and district’s food offering.

Thanks too to all who supported this year’s event by coming out for breakfast. 

Apologies to those who were not able to get their first choice on Saturday – sadly there is a limit to capacity in town for this popular event.


Tucking in at The Feathers
Annie at the Aga at the Trumpet Tearoom