We are holding our AGM on Monday 12th August at 6.00pm at the Market House, High Street. Ledbury (upstairs).
You will be most welcome to join us for this important event. It’s an opportunity to find out who we are and meet the new committee for the year 2024/25.
We are always open to new ideas to support our aims of encouraging local food and drink production and retail.
Access the following papers for the meeting via the links:
- Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Ledbury Food Group
- Secretary’s Report for the year 2023/24
- Income and Expenditure Account for the year 2023/24
We are hoping to provide Zoom access to this meeting.
…and an Apology
We apologise that due to technical problems our website has not been available for the last few weeks. The problems are now resolved.
Because of the problem, you may not have seen the blog on July’s successful Ledbury Celebration event – this is now available at Ledbury Celebration Beats The Weather.